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The Hong Kong Nuclear Society is a non-profit learned society. It was established by a group of individuals who recognised the need to establish a forum for professionals working in the diverse fields of nuclear science and technology to share knowledge and exchange information. The Society also aims to provide impartial technical information and views on the related subject to the general public to enhance nuclear literacy in Hong Kong and regions nearby. The Society membership comprises engineers, scientists, practitioners, administrators and educators of various corporations, educational institutions and government agencies. It is governed by four officers and an Executive Committee elected by members.
To be a focal point for the exchange on nuclear related information and knowledge.
To promote public awareness and understanding, enhance knowledge exchange and international cooperation, as well as serve as a reputable advisory body on the safe application of nuclear engineering and science.
Openness, Integrity and Professionalism.
The Objects of the Society
To increase nuclear literacy in Hong Kong and regions nearby;
To promote and contribute to the advancement of principles, disciplines, technology, and applications in nuclear science and engineering;
To facilitate the understanding of nuclear science and engineering;
To provide a forum for a rational exchange of information;
To serve as an advisory body on the topic related to nuclear science and engineering;
To engage in communication and interaction among public, organizations and individuals;
To enhance international cooperation and facilitate information sharing and exchange;
To disseminate information and concepts to all interested individuals and entities;
To liaise and collaborate with professional Institutions in the advancement of nuclear literacy; and
To do of all such other lawful things as are necessary to the attainment of the above objects.
Classes of Membership
General Member – A person who supports the vision, mission and values of the Society, meets the eligibility criteria*, and pays the membership due as required. Only General Members are eligible to vote at the Society meetings;
Affiliate Member – A person who has an interest in nuclear science and engineering, or one who does not wish to be a General Member at the time being;
Student Member – A person who is a full-time student and interested in nuclear science and engineering.
Eligibility Criteria for General Membership
University graduate from an accredited university with a recognized discipline in nuclear science and engineering or related discipline;
Established working experience relevant to the applications of nuclear science and engineering or related industries;
With contribution to the advancement of knowledge to nuclear science and engineering; or
Being invited by the Executive Committee.
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